Cappellini Branch Table by Jakob Wagner copy of E-volved table?


Respected designer Jakob Wagner allegedly copies the design of the E-volved Table by Timothy Schreiber for his own Branch Table by Italian design company Cappellini.

Olivier Oliemans from FueraDentro: "Embarrasing to see a respected designer and a respected company copying Timothy Schreiber's design for the E-volved Table. The E-volved Table has won the Red Dot Design Award in 2007, everyone knows the design. I can't believe they think they can get away with this."

Below are pictures from both designs. Judge for yourself:

Branch Table by Jakob Wagner with three legs vs black aluminum E-volved:

Branch Table with 3 legs vs. black aluminum E-volved

Branch Table by Jakob Wagner with four legs:

Branch Table with 4 legs vs. E-volved


Branch Table by Jakob Wagner with five legs:

Branch Table Chrome vs. E-volved



3D print white Branch Table with 3 legs, and E-volved 3D print:

Branch Table vs. E-volved 3d Models



The E-volved table is made from identical parts as well:


E-volved Coffee Table with four legs:



Take a look at the complete slideshow of Cappellini Design Village 2012 at SALONE DEL MOBILE to see how much the design resembles the E-volved Table:


The striking resemblance between Jacob Wagner's Branch table and the E-volved table are an example and displayed at Déjà-vu: an exhibition about design affiliations. "Have our attitudes to concepts like copy-paste, originality and innovation fundamentally changed lately?" this exhibition would like to open the debate. Read more

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