FueraDentro Butaque Teak Chaise repas, Collection CIMA

Teak designer garden chair for dining in a natural ambiance

A new addition to the Cima Collection, is the Butaque Teak dining chair. This exclusive outdoor dining chair is different than the Butaque chair. The frame of this teak version of this European designer chair is a little wider which gives it a more robust, but also a warmer look.

Teak is a strong wood which has the quality to withstand a great deal of wear and tear, as well as different temperatures and weather, even untreated. However, the best part of this material is its beauty. The natural, rich color, texture and quality of the wood are simply gorgeous.

The robust rectangular teak frame of the Butaque hardwood dining chair holds the seated area in suspension. Due to the natural spring of the Batyline seat, the Butaque teak chair is also to be used without a cushion.

Cushions to complete the feeling of comfort and style

Coordinating cushions in both fabric and synthetic leather are available in several colors, which allows the Butaque teak chair to be crafted to your own individual style and optimize your personal visual and physical ideals. 

The teak frame give these outdoor dining chairs an ultra-modern but warm look and when used with a Doble garden dining table, offer an excellent contemporary outdoor dining ambiance.

Size (LxWxH):  

55 x 58 x 82 cm





black / white / cendre



La Batyline® se compose de fibres polyester tissées, protégées par un revêtement en PVC. Les fibres sont liées ensemble pour obtenir un matériau d'une solidité remarquable, qui ne craque pas et de ne se déforme pas. Plus


Le teck est un bois qui provient du Tectona Grandis, un arbre qui dans des conditions favorables, peut atteindre une hauteur de plus de 45 m avec un tronc dont le diamètre peut avoisiner 2,4 mètres. Ce bois est réputé pour sa longévité grâce à sa forte teneur en huile naturelle. Plus
